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9 Essential Packing Tips to Prepare for Your Big Move

Jan 15, 2023

If you’re trying to pick up and move house, it takes a detailed process and the help of some professionals. 

The industry of moving services is worth about $22 billion today. This means that you can hire a team of moving pros that can address any aspect of the project. Aside from the actual move, making good decisions with the way you pack can help you out exponentially. 

Which packing tips should you follow? We’re happy to explain. 

Here are some packing tips that you can use to make your move easier and more productive. 

1. Hire a Packing Service

When moving house, you’ll save yourself so much time, energy, and effort when you hire a professional packing service. Getting quality packing services from a residential moving company can make the process smoother and less cumbersome, and you’ll get a lot of bang for your buck. 

Start calling around for estimates when you want to hire a pro to assist with your residential move. Get a quote for packing services and figure out whether it’s a price you’re willing to pay to make your move easier. 

2. Put Your Move on a Schedule 

Allowing yourself plenty of time is one of the best moving tips that you can follow. When you wait until the last minute, your move will be more rushed and you’re more likely to make mistakes with your packing. It’ll also make the move more stressful. 

Giving yourself lots of time will let you calculate all money matters, from figuring out how much you need for packing materials, to determining how much you’re willing to pay to hire a mover. 

Expect to pay $80-$100 per hour for professional moving services. If you have an interstate move, it’ll cost you about $5,000 on average. Start early in the process and you’ll get the best outcome across the board. 

3. Invest in the Right Containers

Choosing the best containers will also help you get excellent results from your move. You’ll need moving containers that are durable, with plenty of space, and easy to handle. 

Find containers that you can easily stack, move, and arrange however you need. You might look into heavy-duty cardboard boxes, plastic bins, and other types of containers that will let you box up all your belongings. Consider whether you want containers that have handles so that you or your movers can lift them without a problem. 

4. Label Your Containers and Create a Spreadsheet

Any containers that you use should be labeled so that you know what’s inside. Figure out what system works for you, and make sure that the label is large and legible. Make special notes if the belongings inside the box or container are fragile. 

Aside from the label, you should also create a spreadsheet that includes a detailed list of everything inside every container. Doing this gives you the chance to double and triple-check your inventory and you won’t have any confusion about where everything is kept. You can also include barcodes or QR codes on your containers so that you can quickly access the information that you need. 

It’s easier to make decisions about your move when you have detailed access to everything inside each container. 

5. Get Insurance for Items That Need It

Once you go through every item that you pack, it’s important that you get protection whenever necessary. There may be some expensive, fragile, or irreplaceable belongings that require an insurance policy. 

The insurance policy will help you get a replacement and lets you know that all of the most important parts of your move are protected. Consider going through your homeowner’s insurance, take out a third-party policy, or ask the moving company whether they can provide you with a policy. 

Keep the documentation of these insurance policies to make sure you’re covered completely. 

6. Go Room By Room 

You’re more likely to forget or overlook something when there is no rhyme or reason for the way that you handle your packing. Go room by room so that you don’t skimp on detail or overlook anything. 

By checking each room off your list, you’ll set aside ample time to pack and won’t have to take on so much all at once. 

7. Get Rid of What You Don’t Need

Packing will also be more effective when you use it as an opportunity to get rid of old belongings. Clear out each room and rent a dumpster if you have a lot of waste that has accumulated. 

This is also a good time to visit your local Goodwill or Salvation Army so that your old belongings can become brand new for someone else who needs it. 

8. Keep Your Boxes as Light as Possible

Resist the temptation to overstuff your boxes. This happens when you’re tired of packing and want to get it over with, but boxes that are too heavy are more likely to break or will be difficult to lug around. 

Set a limit for each box and make sure that they are all easy and effortless to handle. 

9. Prepare a Bag or Box for Essentials

Finally, make sure to pack some essentials for moving day. This way, you’ll have what you need for the road trip, and can retrieve your essentials quickly and easily once you get to your new home. 

Some essentials that you might want to pack include cookware, cleaning supplies, food for the night, and a change of clothes or two. 

Packing Tips for Your Next Move

The points above are helpful when you’re looking into the packing tips that’ll make your move simple and straightforward. Do your due diligence when planning out your move, and make sure that you’re detail-oriented with the way that you pack. 

Moovers Chicago can assist you with your next move from start to finish. If you’re ready to get a free estimate, contact us online or by calling (773)474-2691.



    Move Date*

    Moving Sizes*

    Stairs (Origin)

    Stairs (Destination)


    Mon 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Tue 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Wed 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Thu 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Fri 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Sat 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM
    Sun CLOSED


    Mon-Sun 7:30​ AM – 8:00 PM 
    (or until we finish the job)