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9 Moving Tips and Tricks to Speed up the Packing Process From Your Chicago Movers

Jul 5, 2020

Around 7 million people move households in Illinois every year. Even with help from the best Chicago movers around, making the move can be a stressful, time-consuming adventure.

The good news is you only have to worry about packing things up if you’re working with a local moving company. Still, that’s a serious challenge of its own. Over the years, we’ve discovered some easy ways to speed up the packing process and make unpacking just a little bit easier.

Make the coming move easier on your Chicago movers — and yourself. Here are nine moving hacks that will get you packed up in no time.

1. Start With Enough Packing Supplies

It’s best to have an excess of corrugated boxes and packing tape before you get started. While packing materials are cheap, you can find many of them for free if you know where to look.

Craigslist is a popular location to snag free boxes from people who have just moved. You can also try your luck with nearby retailers and shops, especially those that rely on packaged shipments. Think bookstores and liquor stores.

Check out this list for more ways to find free packing supplies

2. Donate Unwanted Goods

Since packing is such a hassle, why waste the time on possessions you no longer want? In fact, the best time to clean the house is right before a move. Take inventory and consider donating anything that doesn’t see much use.

Whether it’s clothes or furniture, the less you bring along, the better. Donate these items to places like Goodwill, or try to rid yourself of them through Craigslist or a yard sale. 

3. Pack in Advance

The sooner you start packing, the less you’ll need to worry about on moving day. Start with the non-essentials. For example, loose possessions in your attic or basement probably won’t see any action before you move, so why not seal them up?

If you’re moving from an apartment, you usually have to tell your landlord 60 days in advance. Every weekend from then on, fill a box or two.

4. Utilize Dresser Drawers

Drawers are self-contained boxes of their own. So long as the dresser or chest isn’t heavy, it’s safe to leave them full.

But what’s to stop the drawers from falling out during transit?

Packing tape and plastic wrap. Secure the drawers with plenty of tape and make sure you can tilt the dresser without anything coming undone.

This is one of the easiest moving hacks to save on packing and unpacking time. Remember though, don’t make it too heavy. Be kind to your movers.

5. Fill Travel Suitcases

Some items are too heavy to pack away in corrugated boxes. For example, you can fit dozens of books into one box. Thing is, that box will be dangerous to carry and there’s a good chance the bottom will break no matter how well you packed it.

For your heaviest possessions, make use of the travel suitcases you already own. They are more durable than corrugated boxes. But more importantly, they have wheels, which means you can transport them without breaking your back (or your mover’s).

6. Use Towels for Protection

Blankets, towels, and other linens could be boxed separately. But why not save some money and take a utilitarian approach to packaging?

Instead, use them as extra padding for fragile goods like plates and electronics.

This technique isn’t limited to linens alone. Another good trick is to pack knives inside oven mitts, keeping the sharp edge away from your boxes and fingers.

7. Throw a Packing Party

The truth is nobody wants to help you move. But you can sweeten the deal for friends and family members to get them on your side.

Make it a party. Fire up the grill and crack open a few drinks.

It won’t even feel like you’re taking care of chores. This has the added benefit of helping you get rid of any food in your pantry and fridge. After all, you can’t bring it with you.

Make sure everyone stays safe and productive. Speaking of, here’s how to pack for a move, room by room. 

8. Transport Precious Possessions

Don’t forget that you have your own vehicle at your disposal. Not everything has to go in the moving truck with the movers.

If you’re worried about a fragile or precious possession, pack it up as usual. But rather than leaving it out for the movers, place it into your own vehicle.

It should be said that moving companies have a good track record when it comes to keeping your possessions safe. But if you’re paranoid, there’s no harm in bringing it on your person. 

9. Plan a Playdate

When moving day rolls around, you don’t want children or pets presenting a tripping hazard and slowing things down. There are two simple ways to keep everyone safe.

The first is to have an empty room available. You can keep troublemakers out of harm’s way while the movers do their job.

Otherwise, talk with your neighbors or nearby family about babysitting your little ones. Once the movers are done, you can swing by and pick them up for the drive over to the new place. It’s easier for them and you.

Make the Move with Chicago Movers

Moving is hard enough even with the help of smart packing strategies. Take the edge off with the help of a local, family-owned moving service.

Moovers Chicago has been rated as one of the top moving companies in Chicago. If you’re looking for Chicago movers, why choose anyone else? Use our online form and get a free moving estimate.



    Move Date*

    Moving Sizes*

    Stairs (Origin)

    Stairs (Destination)


    Mon 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Tue 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Wed 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Thu 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Fri 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Sat 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM
    Sun CLOSED


    Mon-Sun 7:30​ AM – 8:00 PM 
    (or until we finish the job)