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Trusted Full-Service
Local Moving Company
in Chicago

Before the Move | Your Guide to Moving to a New City

Mar 24, 2021

Americans seem to love the idea of moving to a new city. Since the country’s early days, we have been a nation of movers and pioneers. And during the coronavirus pandemic, Americans really ramped up, with millions moving with no intention of returning to their original cities. 

If you’re moving to a new city, you need to make sure that you plan appropriately. A big move can be very exciting but also incredibly stressful if you aren’t properly prepared. 

Luckily for you, we’re here to help. So keep on reading and we’ll walk you through everything that you need to do before you move to a new city. 

1. Visit Your New State and City

Before you move to a new city, you should definitely make sure that you take at least one trip there. This way, you can get a good sense of the location and the different neighborhoods. You should take a guidebook with you or go to the city’s visitors center for recommendations, maps, and brochures. 

If you’re staying in a hotel, then ask the concierge for their suggestions. You should also be able to find a lot of information on your own by researching on the internet and checking out review sites. 

In addition to the tourist attractions in this new city, you should also look for under-the-radar hangouts and local hotspots. 

2. Research the Schools

If you have school-age kids, then you should make sure that you look at the different schools in the new city. If you want to send your child to a public school, then figure out which neighborhoods are matched with the schools that fit your needs.

3. Budget Accordingly

Moving to a new city is not going to be cheap. To figure out your budget, you need to begin with how much you’re willing and able to spend on your move. 

Then, create a list of all of the necessary moving costs.

Remember to put some extra money to the side for unexpected costs. Also, if you are moving for a job, then make sure that you check to see if your employer will help you cover part or even all of your moving costs.  

4. Find a Home to Live In

In an ideal world, you would find a home to live in before you move. However, if you don’t know the area that well, then it may be in your best interest to stay in the new city for several months before picking a place to call your home. 

In order to find a budget-friendly and safe location, you should hire an experienced realtor who can show you houses in your top neighborhoods.

When moving to a new city, hiring a reliable realtor can be extremely helpful. A smart and helpful real estate agent can guide you in your house searching process. 

They also should know the market and be able to help you with all of the paperwork and legalities. 

5. Research Moving Companies and Choose a Reputable One

Moving to a new city is hard enough on its own. And it can be extremely stressful if you do it without the help of professional movers. 

If you choose to hire a moving company to help you with the transition, then you want to make sure that you choose one that is trustworthy and reliable. They are handling your valuables, after all.

When you are looking for moving companies, look for their ratings and reviews on their own site and on third-party review sites too. Check out their Better Business Bureau rating too.

You should also contact the company to get a quote. 

6. Choose a Moving Date

When you are moving to a new city, you want to make sure that you take into consideration the moving company’s availability, weather, family concerns, and your work schedule when choosing a moving date. 

Believe it or not, the date that you move could end up affecting how much you spend on the move. People who move during the summer, on the weekend, or during a holiday will likely come up against greater demand, higher moving rates, and less mover availability. On the other hand, if you decide to move during a weekday during the off-season for moving, you will likely save a good amount of money.

7. Transfer or Cancel All Memberships

One of the easiest ways to end up wasting money during a move is to forget to deal with all of your memberships. There’s no need to keep paying your cable bill or your gym membership when you’re going to move thousands of miles away. 

Go over all of your local and state memberships and billing services and see which ones you can transfer to your new home. If there are any that you can’t transfer or simply don’t want to keep, then you should make sure to call up the company and tell them that you want to cancel

The Importance of Using This Guide to Moving to a New City 

Hopefully, after reading the above article, you now have a better idea of what you need to do before moving to a new city. The sooner you start to plan, and the more thorough you can be, the smoother your move should turn out. 

Are you looking for a reliable and affordable moving company to help you with your big move? If so, then contact us today and see what we can do for you!



    Move Date*

    Moving Sizes*

    Stairs (Origin)

    Stairs (Destination)


    Mon 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Tue 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Wed 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Thu 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Fri 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Sat 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM
    Sun CLOSED


    Mon-Sun 7:30​ AM – 8:00 PM 
    (or until we finish the job)