7 Things You Can Do To Make A Home Move To Edgebrook Easier

Moving home can be a taxing experience for anyone that is doing it, and one of the first comments people will make when they finally sit down in their new home is “Never Again!” However, it doesn’t have to be that way, and there are ways to remove some of the stress and the work from moving home, so that you can allow yourself to enjoy and relax a little more during your move. If you’ve signed on the dotted line to confirm a new property in Edgebrook, or even if you're a business owner looking to change your commercial premises, then here are seven ways you can make moving home a smoother and easier experience. Moovers Chicago is the premier movers for Edgebrook.
- Hire Moovers Chicago
- As your local family run moving company, we can help in so many ways to make the move easier. As well as handling the heavy lifting on moving day, we are a company with a great reputation focused on excellent customer service, which will give you peace of mind throughout the process.
- Start Your Packing As Soon As You Can
- You really don’t want to leave this until the last minute, as it can quickly ramp up your stress levels. Start working your way through each room a few weeks before the move, and get all of the non-essential items, spare towels and decorative items all packed up in advance.
- Arrange Utility And Services Appointments Before Your Move
- One of the big things people can forget when moving is making sure the next steps for starting services like internet, utilities and so on in your new property are prepared. Internet and television appointments often need to be booked a few weeks ahead, so check for this in advance.
- Dis-assemble Larger Furniture Items
- Items like wardrobes and shelving units are best transported flat, so dis-assemble and pack these before moving day. If you use Moovers Chicago, we can arrange for someone to visit your property the day before to arrange this if you are short on time.
- Pack Your Essentials Box Last
- Probably the last thing you will do before leaving your current home is to get the essentials box packed – this is the one you’ll be opening first in your new home. Make sure your kettle, and a few home comforts are in there so you can have a bit of a relaxed moment, before you fully start unpacking.
- Arrange For Care For Pets Or Children
- Both for their own safety and those who are carrying out the moving work, its best to keep pets and children out of the way during a home move. Ideally arrange for a family member or friend to look after them for a few hours while the work is completed.
- Let Us Know Of Any Changes Early
- We all know that plans can change, but if you do find out that your moving plans need to be rearranged, it is best to let Moovers Chicago know early. If you can give us at least 3 days notice, then we are happy to rearrange moving day for you for free. Your movers will be ready for your Edgebrook relocation.